Life of Inspiration and Service

Picture of Life of Inspiration and Service
Two booklets together: A Life of Inspiration & Service and CM Spreading Maximum Happiness

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While living in form, Swami Chinmayananda revealed to us the Formless. His very life was an unfolding of that revelation. Although his days consisted of a stream of dynamic activity - giving lecture series around the globe; constructing temples and institutes of Vedanta; running schools and hospitals arural uplifment projects; doing humanitarian works of many kinds - he always remained in the still Centre within. Immersed in bliss and peace, he let his hands and legs work in the world. His work gave birth to Chinmaya Mission, with teachers of Vedanta and servants of society working in all parts of the world today. Through his own example, he taught us that we, too, can be still in the midst of activity. We, too, can learn to drop the ego and burst the limitations of the form to realize our own formless, universal nature. He was a true teacher of Vedanta - the "Science of Life," as he called it. He taught us its truths with his own life. Total Pages 42.