Prabhat Sudha Tattvamala\r\nSwami Brahmananda\r\nThe hymns and mantras that are peppered in our scriptures are not just prayers of beseeching pleas and bleating requests. Ornamented with spiritual vibes, they are a means for us to reach God.\r\n\r\nThis collection of meditative hymns and mantras from the Upanishads, Vivekchudamani and other granthas chanted by Swami Brahmananda soothes the mind into a meditative state, to receive, to reflect and to experience the divinity in us.\r\n\r\nPrabhat Sudha\r\n\r\nGurustuti, Shanti Mantra, Upanishad Mantras - 1, Vivekachudamani, Upanishad Mantras - 2, Geeta Shlokas, Atma Shatkam\r\nTattvamala\r\nGurupaduka Pratah Stavanam\r\nUpadesha sara, Sat-Darshanam, Sadhana Panchakam, Atmabodha
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